Johnny Test Grow

Me: Well all here is another crazy story that ya'll might like. Don't forget to R&R.


Kim: Wow you really get around don't you?

Me: He he well what can I say I get random Ideas

Johnny Grow Your Own Monster; Johnny Johnny; Johnny Lock Down; Johnny on the Spot; Johnny Re-Animated; Johnny Test in 3D. Johnny Test Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Make any charecter shrink/grow!!!!! This is an interactive story containing 52 chapters.Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. Johnny Grow Your Own Monster; Johnny Johnny; Johnny Lock Down; Johnny on the Spot; Johnny Re-Animated; Johnny Test in 3D; Johnny Test's Day Off; Johnny Test: Theme Song 2; Johnny Tube; Johnny vs. Bling Bling IV; Johnny vs. Johnny Test Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. And even more stuff. Most popular shows. Most played games.

Johnny wearing the Super Smarty Pants and the Super Smarty Shirt. The Super Smarty Pants are a pair of pants that allow the user to gain higher intellectual abilities. It first appeared in Johnny's Super Smarty Pants. The Super Smarty Pants have human-like emotions such as love, hate and jealousy. It has the power to make the person who uses it smarter, more intelligent.

Johnny: That's an Understatement… *glares at Motrim evilly*

Me: *Sweat drops* Um Johnny would you do the honors?

Johnny: No I will not do the honors…

Me: *looks to Shego*

Shego: *Sighs* Fine but this is the last time… Motrim does not own Johnny Test or any part of the Johnny Test show. *mumbles* Just his crazy ass Ideas…

Me: What was that Shego?

Shego: Nothing!

Johnny walked into his sisters' lab to ask them for help against one of his normal adversaries, Eugene aka Bling Bling boy. When he arrived in the lab he didn't get yelled at like he normally did which surprised him. He decided to look around the Lab for them when he saw they weren't around he smiled softly.

He knew Dukey, His best friend/Dog, was away for the weekend. He thought there wouldn't be any repercussions for what he was about to do. He walked over to a spot where he knew there were some of the girls' clothes. He pulled out a pair of panties and stockings. With them in hand he pulled a lever, which brought a closet into sight.

He then opened the closet and saw the perfect blue dress for him to wear. He took it out of the closet and went back to the levers and pulled another one. This one opened up where the shoes were kept and he pulled out a pair of blue pumps. He looked around noticing there wasn't a private place to change his clothes. He continued to look around and noticed the turbo tea house.

He went over to the Tea house and went inside. He took off his clothes and put on the girl clothes. He looked down at the dress and saw a biohazard symbol on it. Confused, he walked out of the teahouse and heard a wolf call coming from the Lab doors.

He turned towards the doors and saw his sisters standing there. They gasped when they saw that he was wearing his usual symbol. Mary asked 'Um where did you get that dress?' He pointed over towards the closet area that had all of the clothes they had for him when they changed him back to normal. Susan said 'We won't tell anyone about this if you test a potion for us…'

Johnny looked at Susan and Mary sighing in defeat 'Alright…let me change into my regular clothes first.' Susan and Mary rushed over to him 'No just test this potion for us.' They pressed a pink glowing potion in his hand. He sighed 'Over the lips and pass the gums lookout stomach here it comes…'

He tipped the bottle back and took a swig from the test tube. He just stood there looking around. 'Looks like nothing happened.' He then started to move and fell backwards all of a sudden. Mary rushed forwards to catch him before he hit the floor. The Twins looked at each other and smiled. 'Something's happening.' They said together.

Mary put him on a bed as soon as she laid him on the bed changes started to happen. His hair started to grow when it stopped growing it was halfway down his back. His hips became wider and more like his sisters'. His face became a little narrower and more rounded making him look more like his sisters'.

After the changes he began to wake up. He looked around and knew he was still in the lab but in a bed. He sat up feeling different than normal. He looked around and saw Susan and Mary smiling. 'Johnny?' Susan had asked him.

He stood up forgetting he was wearing heels. He fell forwards and Susan had caught him. 'Wha-what happened?' His voice was a little higher than before but he didn't notice it. 'Well we invented a potion that would change your body to your more natural form…' Johnny blinked at that news 'And just what is my more natural form?'

This time Johnny realized his voice was different and put his hands up to his throat. 'What the hell?' Mary had brought a full body mirror up. 'Johnny, we want you to meet Jessica Test.' Johnny looked into the mirror and saw that he was now a she. Her hair was red like her sisters' only with blonde tips.

Her hair fell in front of her eyes 'Um need a barrette or something here…' Susan pulled hers out of her hair and handed it to Jessica. Jessica put the barrette in her hair and smiled as she saw she looked like Susan. 'Now as to the real reason I came here. I had needed your help to fight Eugene, but I figured a way to do this. Susan I need your glasses.' Susan handed her her glasses and Jessica went out of the house looking like Susan.

Jessica smiled as she went out of the door. 'Hey Eugene!' She noted that she sounded like her sisters. Eugene turned around in his robot and spotted Jessica. He smiled thinking it was Susan and scooped her up. She went through a series of tunnels and landed in a chair 'Why hello Susan so nice of you to drop in!'

When he turned he saw that it wasn't Susan nor Mary 'Who in the world are you?' Jessica smiled a smile that Johnny was known for 'I'm Jessica Test. Oh Eugene I'd like to thank you for labeling all your buttons so neatly.' She pressed the self destruct button 'Ta-ta Eugene.' Eugene turned to yell at the new girl 'It's Bling Bling Boy!' She shrugged and jumped out, landing on the ground in a roll.

As the robot exploded Eugene was shot back to his island home. Jessica walked up to the house and walked in. She walked past the kitchen door as her father looked up and saw her 'Jessica?' She didn't hear him as she walked back up to the Lab. When she got back to the lab she said 'You fix Johnny now.'

Susan, who had put on a set of her extra glasses and a barrette that had a biohazard symbol on it, and Mary shook their heads 'This is permanent Jessica… We want you to meet Baby Jessica.' Mary said as Susan pulled up a baby picture of a red headed baby girl with blonde tips. 'Haven't you wondered where the baby pictures of Johnny were?' Jessica stood there thinking 'Actually now that you mention it…' Mary nodded.

'Now if you look to the computer screen you will now see Johnny's/Jessica's/your baby pictures.' Jessica looked at the screen and saw herself as a one year old baby. She couldn't help but say 'Awweh I was so cute!' Then a picture of two year old Jessica showed up on the screen and Jessica smiled.

Then a picture of a three year old Jessica came up on the screen. Then right afterwards a three year old Johnny came onto the screen. 'This is when we accidently turned you into Johnny.' Jessica blinked 'So I was Johnny because of a Science experiment?' The twins nodded slowly.

She sighed in defeat. Susan then said 'We also changed your DNA a little.' Jessica looked at Susan 'How did you change it?' Susan smiled 'We made it so you can't be turned into a boy again ever.' Jessica sighed again in defeat. 'Well then looks like I'm stuck as a girl then…'

Their dad then yelled upstairs 'Girls, it's time for dinner!' Jessica started towards the door of the lab until she noticed what her dad had said. 'He did just say girls right? He didn't say girls and Johnny…' She closed her eyes while Susan and Mary looked at each other then at Jessica saying. 'We didn't say anything to him.'

'He must have noticed when I came in from defeating Eugene.' Susan's eyes lit up 'Oh Jessica give me my barrette back.' Jessica took out Susan's barrette out of her hair and handed it towards Susan. Meanwhile Susan was taking the barrette she had in her hair and switched with Jessica.

Johnny test female growth hormone

Jessica put the new barrette in her hair after taking notice that it had on her usual Biohazard symbol on it. 'You mean I was wearing this before I was Johnny?' She asked as they headed down to the dining room. Susan and Mary shook their heads 'No we figured you would want to keep it though.'

Johnny Test Grown Up

Jessica turned and gave her sisters hugs. 'Thanks guys.' A smirk came across her face 'I can't wait till Sissy meets me.' They got to the Dining room and they heard a gasp. They turned towards their parents and saw their mother with a hand covering her mouth in surprise of seeing Jessica.

Me: Well here is the end of the first chapter I hope you all liked this if so R&R.

Jessica/Johnny: What the Hell! You turned me into a girl? What kind of sicko are you?

Me: *smiles evilly* an evil one.

Jessica/Johnny: Then we must fight you as Johnny X!

Me: Don't you mean Jessica X?

Johnny Test Grow

Jessica/Johnny: *Sighs* Bite me… I'm leaving

Me: Suit yourself…*turns into a dragon and takes Jessica/Johnny into my mouth*

Jessica/Johnny: Fine, fine I'll stay as Jessica!

Me: *Let's her out of my mouth and smiles showing all my teeth*


Disclaimer: I do not own Johnny Test

Thank you all for your patience. This week has been crazy, what with getting back into routine of school, work, and homework galore.

Ok, so as the title says, this is their finals week, the week that most of us all hated with an undying passion.


May, week before camping trip

Sissy groaned with disdain as she sat in her first class for her final. She had a final in English, math, biology, and Spanish. Johnny also had the same finals only on different days. An hour passed before Sissy could feel her brain going numb. Just then the timer went off.

'Class, this is you ten minute break. At no time will you discuss the finals.' Miss Luun snarled. The whole class stood and stretched. Sissy rubbed her temples, trying to ease the headache that was forming and looked outside. The bright late spring sunshine burned her eyes at first, but eventually she got used to it.

Youtube Johnny Test

'Can we open a window?' a kid asked. Miss Luun walked over and opened all the windows just about an inch.

'Happy now?' Miss Luun growled. Seeing as they would get no more out of her, the students nodded as the timer went off again for them to resume their tests. Sissy was glad that the essay was first, that way she could fly through the multiple choice questions and leave the room early. With thirty minutes to spare, Sissy stood and walked over, handing in the final.

'You may go now Miss Blakely.' Miss Luun grumbled, taking the final and placing it in a small black tray. Sissy grabbed her backpack and left the class room, eager for lunch to start. She started towards the stairs when she felt two sudden hands grip her shoulder. She jumped and spun around on her heel, pulling her fist back to throw a hard punch before seeing it was Johnny. She still punched him hard in the arm, but he just chuckled.

'Done early?' Johnny asked.

'Yes. And I'm gonna fucking kill you for that!' Sissy exclaimed as they walked down the stairs.

'It was worth it.' Johnny chuckled. Sissy rolled her eyes at him as they walked to the lunch room and waited for lunch to start and for their friends.

'How was the bio final?' Sissy asked.

'As long as you paid attention and studied, easy.' Johnny said shrugging.

'So I should ace it?' Sissy snickered.

'Yup.' Johnny chuckled. Finally the bell for lunch rang and the cafeteria flooded with kids running from their finals.

Next day

Johnny tried hard to stay focused on the math test. In the last hour he had caught himself dozing off. It's not because he didn't know any of it, he had an A in the class, and it was just boring and pointless for him to prove it. He had never been more thankful for the alarm to go off for their ten minutes break.

'I hate math.' Bo groaned.

'I hate how boring this shit is.' Johnny replied.

'Shut up. I have a C plus while you have an A.' Bo said snidely.

'Sorry bro.' Johnny chuckled. The timer went off again and the students grudgingly returned to their desks to finish the test. Johnny only had maybe twelve questions left before the break and finished it in no time, leaving the room and heading towards the cafeteria. Just as he rounded a corner he was tackled to the ground, the wind knocked out of him. He flipped himself and his attacker over to he was on top before he saw it was Sissy.

'What the…?' Johnny started before remembering the awkward situation, standing and helping a blushing Sissy up.

'That was payback for scaring me yesterday.' Sissy said, punching his arm playfully.

'Ok, you got me.' Johnny chuckled.

'Just two more finals and then we have the camping trip.' Sissy said.

'Camping sounds like fucking Disney Land compared to these tests.' Johnny chuckled.

'No shit.' Sissy giggled. When the bell rang for lunch, Johnny and Sissy were already waiting in line to avoid being trampled by the kids.

'I'm just glad that Larry understands that we needed fewer hours so we could study. And that he's a major endorser in kids getting out of the school.' Johnny chuckled.

'Yeah, that's a relief.' Sissy said.

'Well if it isn't the little love-birds.' The snide voice of Janet sounded.

'Say what?' Both Johnny and Sissy said, looking over their shoulders at her.

'You guys always get done early, always talk, always hang out, you work together, there has to be something going on.' Janet claimed. Johnny opened his mouth to deny her claims but Sissy beat him.

'What, jealous?' Sissy said smirking, her hands on her cocked hips nearly forming an 'S' with her body, and an eyebrow raised.

'What? Pah! Pfft! Yeah, right!' Janet said lamely.

'You're trying too hard.' Sissy snickered before turning towards her giggling friends and walking off.

'What was that all about?' Jace asked.

'I'm still trying to figure that out myself.' Johnny said, rubbing his temple.

'Well, whatever it was, Sissy knows how to fuck with people's heads.' Robby laughed.

'No kidding.' Chad chuckled. Johnny rolled his eyes at his friends before they continued to their table to eat.

1 day later

Sissy walked out of her math class feeling confident about her final. The break had ended ten minutes ago so she walked downstairs and to the library, pulling out her book and began to read. Johnny walked down to the library, seeing as it was far too early to even go to the cafeteria and saw Sissy reading intently. The thought of making her jump so bad she'd go through the roof crossed his mind, but if he knew her like he think he did, she'd end up kicking him in the nuts. He walked over and sat across from her, catching her attention for just a split second before getting engrossed in her book again. Johnny tried reading the title but her hand covered it. After five minutes of silence Johnny smirked.

'Ok, curiosity has struck.' Johnny said quietly, snatching the book away from Sissy and looking at the cover. Sissy reached for it but Johnny turned away. He cocked an eyebrow at the cover and title and then looked back at her, seeing her angry and slightly blushing.

'You better not.' Sissy warned quietly. Johnny smirked, opened the book and quickly read the chapter before looking up at her.

'I had no clue you were into that.' Johnny chuckled suggestively, making Sissy blush.

'Shut up and give me back my book.' Sissy commanded. Johnny rolled his eyes but handed her back her book.

'Romance novels that contain explicit sex scenes; Sissy, should I be concerned?' Johnny teased.

'Be very concerned about said organs, if you're not careful you might lose them.' Sissy hissed before continuing her reading. Johnny watched how she didn't even redden while she read, but as he paid close attention to what part of her face he could see, her eyes, he saw the pupils expand and how the normal baby-blue darkened. Johnny felt himself grow heated and had to look away before he started thinking too much about the whole situation. The sudden closing of the book and shuffling of books and paper brought Johnny out of his stupor long enough to realize that they had ten minutes to get to the cafeteria.

'How long have been reading books like that?' Johnny asked curiously.

'A few years. I don't get why people get all blushy about it.' Sissy said.

'Sissy, you were redder than a tomato.' Johnny chuckled.

'Oh shut up!' Sissy said, punching him. She felt her fist be grabbed and saw that Johnny had caught her fist, which now looked tiny in his larger, and still growing, hand.

'You have little hands.' Johnny chuckled before releasing her fist. Sissy shook her head slightly to clear it and continued on to the cafeteria for lunch.

Last testing day

Sissy and Johnny worked on their Spanish finals as best and as fast as they could. Most of the final was just multiple choice questions, but the ones that weren't stumped each of them a few times. The timer went off for the break and both Johnny and Sissy were grateful for the break. Sissy stretched but her shoulders didn't loosen, they grew more taught and strained. Johnny could see the slight look of pain on Sissy's face and walked over.

'You ok?' Johnny asked.

'My shoulders hurt.' Sissy complained as she tried to rub her shoulders. Johnny walked around behind her and placed his larger hands on her small shoulder and began to make small synchronized circles with his fingers on her shoulders. Sissy, naturally, tensed up at first but then began to relax and could feel her muscles do the same. A small coo of pleasure echoed in the back of her throat. Johnny stopped with just a minute before they were to return to their finals.

'Thanks Test that was needed.' Sissy smiled.

'Any time.' Johnny chuckled before going back to his seat. His hands felt so good, Sissy thought blushing before sitting down. I want him to touch me again, Sissy thought longingly before the timer went off and she focused her mind on the final, making herself wait before thinking of Johnny again. Her need for him was becoming worse than before. Once she finished the remainder of the final she was excused to leave and decided she needed air before the lunch period, heading downstairs and quickly went outside, sitting on the steps to the school, allowing the fresh, flower-scented May air to blow on her, making her fine hair dance delicately in the light breeze. Johnny walked outside and stood in the doorway behind her, watching her at a distance.

'Smells good doesn't it?' Johnny asked, seeing her jump slightly.

'One of these days I'm going to strangle you. But yes, it does.' Sissy said making Johnny chuckle lightly. It was quiet for a moment between the two teens before Sissy looked back at Johnny, her eyes bright and blue and a small smile on her pink lips.

'Where'd you learn how to do that?' Sissy asked curiously.

'I didn't learn how, I just figured that's how it was done.' Johnny said shrugging, trying to turn his face away to hide his blush.

'Could've fooled me.' Sissy giggled.

'Thanks.' Johnny said.

'I'm so excited about the camping trip. Anything is better than school.' Sissy said, turning around to fully face Johnny.

'Yeah, especially after this crazy week.' Johnny chuckled.

'Johnny, come over here. I don't bite.' Sissy said. Johnny walked over and sat down next to her and they continued to talk until the bell for lunch rang. As they got in line the air buzzed with eagerness from the sophomores knowing that they would be out of school, out of the city, for the next two weeks.

So, were there some points in which you could relate, other than being able to leave the class room once you finish a test, like in college? Anyway, the next chapter is gonna go over the entire, day-by-day camping trip of two weeks. R&R please.