
Well, we haven’t disappeared.entirely. If you were at FSExpo, both founding partners were there. One of us was even a speaker;). I really should take the website down, lest people still believe active.

  1. Xpjets 777
  2. Xojets Florida
  3. Xp Jesus Christ
  4. Xojet Sales
  1. Nup, links should be sweet using Windows Live Skydive. Just updated the Wiring PDFs, they are named and numbered accordinly on each page. I periodically change the Main Conversion doc upon being pulled up on grammer, rambling too much etc etc so watch for version numbers and feel free to comment.
  2. For many years to fulfill my need to fly around my hometown, I’d used XPJets’ excellent Greater Auckland scenery (created by Reuben Horsley and Dhruv Kalra over a decade ago) and lately, the newer conversions that some members of the community had adapted to work with XP8-10.
  3. A lot of boeing models made by XPjets.
XpjetsXjetspidermanxXPJETS American Classics 2 for 727-200Adv
Current Price$10.00
Lowest Price$5.00
Highest Price$10.00

It's currently selling for $10.00, but has been cheaper in the past.

Xpjets 777

The table shows the highest/lowest prices we've seen XPJETS American Classics 2 for 727-200Adv sell for at X-Plane.org Store since May 1st 2017.

Xojets Florida

  • Gladiator MK II Open Box
  • CT182T SKYLANE G1000 XPLANE 11
  • PassengersFX 2020 American Edition
  • PassengersFX NG %E2%80%93 Spanish Edition
  • Asia Livery Pack 1 for 767 300

Xp Jesus Christ

Price Graph for XPJETS American Classics 2 for 727-200Adv

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Recent price changes for XPJETS American Classics 2 for 727-200Adv

Tuesday, November 28, 2017$10.00
Friday, November 24, 2017$5.00
Friday, April 28, 2017$10.00

Xojet Sales

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