Hex Rays Decompiler Free Download

Hex-Rays Decompiler – Shareware – Windows


Hex-Rays Decompiler is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by Hex-Rays Decompiler.

The evaluation version has the following limitations. It supports only x86/x64 processors: IDA supports a large number of other processors.; it will load only files of PE/ELF/Macho-O formats. The full version of. F5574a87f2 Hex rays ida pro offline installer download. Hex rays ida pro direct link download. Hex rays ida pro advanced plugins decompiler v6.1 rdw. Hex views stack variables string x refs. Real world decompilation with ida pro part 1 introduction.


The latest version of Hex-Rays Decompiler is 1.0, released on 02/18/2008. It was initially added to our database on 12/07/2007.

Hex-Rays Decompiler runs on the following operating systems: Windows.

The freeware version of IDA v7.0 comes with the following limitations: no commercial use is allowed; lacks all features introduced in IDA v7.0. Hex-Rays Decompiler; Download your FREE trial today! Download IDA Freeware 7 for Linux; Download IDA Freeware 7 for MS Windows.

Hex-Rays Decompiler has not been rated by our users yet.


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; S U B R O U T I N E

; int __cdecl myfunc(wchar_t *Str, int)
myfunc proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_4060+76p
; .text:42E4p

Str = dword ptr 4
arg_4 = dword ptr 8

mov eax, dword_1001F608
cmp eax,
jnz short loc_10003AB6
push offset aGetsystemwindo
; 'GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW'
push offset aKernel32_dll ; 'KERNEL32.DLL'
call ds:GetModuleHandleW
push eax; hModule
call ds:GetProcAddress
mov dword_1001F608, eax

loc_10003AB6: ; CODE XREF: myfunc+8j
test eax, eax
push esi
mov esi, [esp+
push edi
mov edi, [esp+
push esi
push edi
jz short loc_10003ACA
call eax
; dword_1001F608
jmp short loc_10003AD0
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_10003ACA: ; CODE XREF: myfunc+34j
call ds:GetWindowsDirectoryW

loc_10003AD0: ; CODE XREF: myfunc+38j
sub esi, eax
cmp esi,
jnb short loc_10003ADD
pop edi
add eax,
pop esi
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_10003ADD: ; CODE XREF: myfunc+45j
push offset aInf_0 ; 'inf'
push edi ; Dest
call _wcscat
push edi ; Str
call _wcslen
add esp, 0Ch
pop edi
pop esi
myfunc endp

size_t __cdecl myfunc(wchar_t *buf, int bufsize)
int (__stdcall *func)(_DWORD, _DWORD); // eax@1
wchar_t *buf2; // edi@3
int bufsize; // esi@3
UINT dirlen; // eax@4
size_t outlen; // eax@7
HMODULE h; // eax@2

func= g_fptr;
if (
g_fptr (int (__stdcall *)(_DWORD, _DWORD))-1 )
h = GetModuleHandleW(L'KERNEL32.DLL');
func= (int (__stdcall *)(_DWORD, _DWORD))
GetProcAddress(h, 'GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW');
g_fptr = func;
bufsize = bufsize;
buf2 = buf;
if (
dirlen = func(buf, bufsize);
dirlen = GetWindowsDirectoryW(buf, bufsize);
if (
bufsize - dirlen >= 5 )
wcscat(buf2, L'inf');
outlen = wcslen(buf2);
outlen = dirlen + 5;